Have you ever looked at a bunny longingly, thinking they are just the sweetest animal? Rabbits like any animal is a job to take care of, and some people can't do it. So what are they doing with the rabbits? They are either abusing the rabbits or releasing them into the wild. The actions of people are harming rabbits. That is where The Rabbit Sanctuary Inc. comes in rescuing the rabbits and giving them a happy, healthy sanctuary to call home.
In 1967, the Sanctuary rescued its first rabbit and had been doing it ever since. The Rabbit Sanctuary only rescues domestic rabbits; not that wild rabbits aren't important; it's just not what they do. According to Valerie Magin, " " The domestic rabbits who find their way to the Sanctuary are guaranteed a home for life. They are spayed/neutered, live in predator-proof "Rabbitants" designed to keep the rabbits safe, live in bonded pairs in territories that are as close to a natural environment as possible, and enjoy greens grown in their organic garden.
The best "protection" people can provide to give the acquisition (e.g., purchase or adoption) of a pet rabbit the weight and value such an important decision deserves. While the Sanctuary's rabbits have come from various sources (e.g., research labs, other shelters, etc.), the vast majority of the rabbits result from being discarded by their owners. "
The rabbits in our care are not endangered. Life for them is pretty darn good. Perhaps the rabbits are not in our care and in the care of those who don't fully understand what responsibility they have taken on that are in danger.
Despite domestic rabbits being among the most popular companion animals, their plight is often overlooked and underserved. Most people are well aware of the abuse, neglect, and abandonment suffered by dogs and cats and know that shelters and sanctuaries exist for their care. But rabbits? Most animal shelters do not accept rabbits because they cannot address a rabbit's specific needs, physical fragility, and a specialized diet. That, coupled with the idea that wild rabbits are seen in most backyards, a domestic rabbit can survive in the wild, means pet rabbits are released to fend for themselves. And fend for themselves they cannot.
We have also prepared and distributed information ("Are You Rabbit Ready?") to pet stores and individuals considering acquiring a pet rabbit.
The Sanctuary is not open for walk-ins, but rather by appointment only. Are you interested in helping The Rabbit Sanctuary? Here are some ways that you can help. Monetary and in-kind donations are always welcomed. Anyone wishing to donate products can e-mail us at adoptarabbit@hotmail.com. Donations are tax-deductible. For $40, a rabbit can be sponsored. "Adoptive" parent(s) receive a certificate of sponsorship, the rabbit's color photograph, and a copy of the rabbit's story. Full details are available on our website: www.rabbitsancturyinc.org. bUneke readers who are local to the Greenville SC area can e-mail us about volunteer opportunities. The Rabbit Sanctuary is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
The most important thing you can do as a potential pet owner does your research. By knowing what it takes to raise an animal, you will be happy, but your pet will be satisfied too.